Still have unanswered questions?

Schedule a time for us to chat directly, it takes less than 5 minutes, and I can answer your remaining questions.

A Clarity Call is 30 minutes, entirely free, and with no obligation to work together thereafter.


  • I don't work in social impact, can you still help me?

    Absolutely. I also work with individuals and leaders wanting to get engaged in social impact, and not knowing how and where to start, whether that be through volunteering, a career change, getting engaged in personal, family, corporate philanthropy or employee engagement, or through other avenues.

  • Are the coaching sessions online, in person, or in combination?

    I offer both remote/online and in-person coaching. Many of my clients are based around the world, and therefore in-person sessions are not feasible. I do not see difference in results with clients based on one modality or the other, and we can discuss together the best option for your customised program.

  • Is coaching the same thing as therapy?

    Coaching is not therapy, and while some assert that there is a fine line between the two practices, ultimately they both lead to the same outcome - a better you - albeit using different tools and processes. I am not a trained mental health professional. As a coach I utilize proactive approaches, practices and tools, that support well-being, performance, and growth. Many of my clients work with a mental health provider, in addition to a coach.

  • How often do coaching sessions take place?

    I create a tailored program with every client, and therefore there is no standard answer to this question. Ideally, when working with a new client, I see the best results when we meet regularly at first, as often as once a week for four weeks. However, life is busy, we are human, and I work with you, your needs, and your context.

  • I don't see a package that meets my context, needs, timeline or financial constraints, can we still work together?

    The packages showcased on my website give you an idea of how we could work together, but these are tailored for every client, as everyone’s needs are specific. My coaching methodology and programs are customised based on your specific needs and goals. I am also conscious that coaching is a financial investment, if this investment is a barrier or you at this stage, I offer payment plans. Book a time for us to connect and we can discuss the options.

  • What is a clarity call?

    Even if someone is familiar with coaching, it’s a good idea to have a short call to align on expectations, but even more so to do a sense check on vibes - it’s important that we align in terms of chemistry. If I am not the best person to support you, I can oftentimes recommend someone who may be a better fit. These Clarity Calls are 30 minutes, entirely free, and with no obligation to work together thereafter. You can book directly using the ‘Book Clarity Call’ button in the header of this website.